| About Us
The Episcopal Church of St. Philip The Evangelist is a community that has been sharing the good news of Christ in the world for over 100 years. The first historically black episcopal parish in the diocese of Los Angeles, and the second historically black parish west of the Mississippi River, St. Philip’s has adapted over the years to serve the needs of its ever-changing community. The church now offers a worship service in Spanish and proudly proclaims: We are One Congregation Speaking Two Languages.
Worship Schedule
Spanish Worship Every Sunday at 9:00am in Church and Facebook streaming
Rev. Samuel Nieva presiding
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday in Church at 10:30am
Facebook steaming every 2nd Sunday
Rev. Patricia Eustis our Supply Priest Plus presiding
Oct. 13th and streaming online
Oct. 23
Nov. 10th and streaming online
* Nov. 17th 117th Anniversary with a Bilingual service Guest Celebrant
Bishop Taylor @ 9:45am reception following.
Dec.8th and streaming online
Dec. 22nd
Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Service